Our Check-in and Health Screenings are all powered using contactless, QR Code technology.
- Create unlimited Forms/QR code posters
- Unlimited check ins
Multiple languages supported
English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese
- QR code posters can be branded with your company logo and contain a custom statement
- Person receives a confimation text notification after they complete the check-in form
- Confimation notification can contain a link to an uploaded document and/or external URL. E.g. menu, promotional flyer, instruction sheet, ordering system, etc.
Full Search
Search real-time check-in submissions and download as a CSV or PDF report. See who was at your location on any given date.
- Create unlimited Forms/QR code posters
- Unlimited screenings
Multiple languages supported
English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese
- Customizable Screening Forms
- SMS/Text and Email Notifications
- "Need to know" personel are notified by text and/or email when a person fails the health screening
- Person is shown a simple pass/fail message after screening with instructions on what to do if they failed
Temperature field
Collect temperatures and trigger pass/fail based on reading.
Work Zone field
Allow person to enter the work zone(s) or location(s) where they will be working that day.
Digital Signatures
Allow person to digitally sign form with their finger.
- QR code posters can be branded with your company logo and contain a custom statement
Pre-screening check-ins
Ability to send screening links so people can screen ahead of time.
Express Entry
For those that travel and have to screen at multiple locations in a day. Screen once, then get immediate access at other locations later in the day. No need to fill out multiple forms.
Full Search
Search real-time screening submissions and download as a CSV or PDF report. See pass/fails on any given date.
Screening Reports
Automated reports showing everyone that screened by date.
Employee Sign-In Reports
Specific to employees. See which employees have or have not screened for the day.